Friday, December 3, 2010

You will each be given an identity disc...

In the TRON universe Identity Discs are an important element of any program, these discs hold all the data which define who the programs are as well as their functions and are also used for combat on the game grid. We continue our look at TRON LEGACY toys from Spin Master with two more superb offerings: the Sam Flynn identity disc and the deluxe collector's edition of the disc.

First up let's look at the basic identity disc role play toy. Made of hard plastic, its the perfect toy to reenact your favorite battle from the TRON films. This baby flies pretty far and looks just like the Sam Flynn disc in the film. It's made to withstand a lot of action so you can pretty much go out and throw this baby in your yard all day long. It can bang up against trees, walls and your best friend's butt and be ready for more.

I was surprised at how well engineered these discs are since they look just like the actual props but fly like a really well made Frisbee. I highly recommend picking this one up and stepping outside with a bunch of friends to fly it around. Lots of fun! I got mine for 8 bucks and some change at Toys 'R Us which is a pretty good deal for a pretty sophisticated looking Frisbee which also doubles as a cool collectible.

If you make your way to the outdoors toys section of the stores a good Frisbee will run you more than 6 dollars so for about two bucks more you get a kick ass TRON LEGACY collectible which can also give you some solid hours of outdoors fun.

For those of you interested in a more high end replica without breaking the bank the Spin Master Sam Flynn Deluxe Disc is the perfect choice. Beautifully designed and with really impressive lights and sounds features this disc makes a perfect display piece next to any of the more expensive prop replicas being sold these days from your favorite films and TV shows. If you turn off all the lights and activate this baby you'll be really impressed at how beautiful this thing looks lit up.

I turned off all the lights in my living room and started throwing around this thing while lit up. It looked amazing and my dog went nuts for it. The package clearly says it's not meant for throwing since it's rather fragile as it has some electronic components inside for the lights and sounds features, but it just looks too darn good while lit up for me to not try and fly it around. I recommend you're very careful if you do try that. This version of the disc is also motion activated so if you pick it up and bang it against the palm of your hand the lights and sounds rev up. This one comes with a small plastic stand with the TRON LEGACY logo so you can display the disc up on your shelf. I picked up this version on sale from the weasels at Walmart for $19.95 and took advantage of their online deal for an extra 5 dollar gift card which they offered with most TRON LEGACY toys a couple weeks ago, so in the end I only paid $14.95 for it. A pretty good deal considering almost all the other retailers are selling it for $24.95. I Highly recommended picking it up.

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