Monday, September 1, 2008

Thrills and Shocks from Joe Dante!


Joe Dante was one of the greatest director's of the 80's. He's still great, just check out his recent episode of Masters of Horror titled "Homecoming".

Back in the 80's he gave us such treats as "Gremlins", "Innerspace", and "The 'Burbs"-- some of the most imaginative movies of the decade. In the 90's he continued his career with such hits as Gremlins 2 and also directed one of the must underrated movies of the decade: "Small Soldiers".

Dante grew up on the thrills of sci fi and horror movie matinees and has now turned his attention to putting together a very cool website called "Trailers from Hell".

On the site the director, as well as other luminaries such as John Landis and Rick Baker share their encyclopedic knowledge on some of the crappiest movies ever filmed through commentary tracks which accompany each trailer. You can also choose to watch the trailers without the commentary.
Show some support for Joe by visiting

If you love the flicks featured in Trailers From Hell and are anywhere near the vicinity of Walt Disney World then visit the Sci-Fi Dine In over at Disney's Hollywood Studios (Formerly known as MGM Studios).


I haven't been there in a long time, but I hear the place is still alive and kicking. Inside a soundstage-like building you'll find yourself right under the stars at a drive in theater with a huge screen playing old B movie trailers. The dining booths are in the shape of vintage cars.



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