Saturday, October 4, 2008

Horror Host Extraordinaire: Count Gore De Vol

For those who think the days of the Horror Hosts are long gone then think again.
Although the changes in network and cable television over the years have done away with the late night tradition of scream queens and horror hosts presenting monster movies until the wee hours of the night there are still plenty of these entertainers to be found in alternative mediums such as the internet.

One of them is Count Gore De Vol with his weekly web program creature feature.

Count Gore was a staple of late night television during the 70s and 80s with his show originating from Washington DC's WDCA. The show featured genre guests such as Uncle Forry Ackerman, but what made it even more off beat was Count Gore's regular inclusion of Penthouse pets as guests. The pets would also take part in some skits during the 70s period.

The Count has some fun with one of his "pets".

The great Forry Ackerman visits the dungeon.

In 1998 the Count became the first horror host to take his program to the world wide web, where it can still be seen with new installments every week. The Count has been going at it for over 35 years with a great sense of fun. I first saw the count at the Balticon Sci-Fi / Horror Convention in Baltimore where he served as emcee and I've been a fan of him since. If you've never watched his show head on over to his domain and enjoy some good old monster fun just like in the old days.

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