TRON LEGACY rocks! The film is everything I hoped it wold be. Not only is it a fast paced,
action packed adventure film which utilizes the latest in 3D technology to dazzle audiences but it's also a loyal and worthy successor to our beloved 80s cult classic. We get to revisit old friends and are treated to a story that not only entertains -- but just like the original, contemplates some very powerful and interesting ideas.

I just got back from seeing it at Disney's landmark El
Capitan theater in Hollywood and already I feel like
seeing it again. The folks at Disney sure know hot to put on a show and they've really pulled out all the stops for TRON LEGACY.

The theater lobby has a cool display of props from the film including Sam Flynn's
lightcycle and the
digitizer which scans users into the grid.

Just before the
movie starts, audiences are treated to an
exhilarating laser light show featuring the music of Daft Punk and nearly 360
degrees of laser beams. At one point all of us in the audiences were surrounded by an overhead grid of laser, fog and light effects.

The sound system at the El
Capitan is one of the best of any theater in the United States. When you combine all the firepower that system packs with the throbbing sounds of Daft Punk's score to the film the combination is mind blowing.

Even a gigantic identity disc the size of a wall appears on stage followed by another array of dazzling laser beams and lights.

When the laser show came to an end every single person in the audience was totally psyched for the film, which delivered in every aspect.

I can't express how much fun it is to see a film with all the showmanship that the El
Capitan adds to the presentation. It's a true experience. Too bad other theaters around the country don't do anything close to this in order to turn the
movie going experience into a major event for fans.

After you
exit the theater the El
Capitan gift store is
packed with overpriced TRON LEGACY items. The prices are
ridiculous, specially when you take into account Toys R Us' current sale which has all the toy and collectibles produced by Spin Master at 25% off.

Surprisingly people were actually buying up stuff at these overblown prices.

The theater also
hands out the pop corn in reusable TRON LEGACY buckets which are a cool collectible and you can use them to eat pop corn during your movie nights at home. A nice souvenir you get to take home. Although with the overblown prices the theater's concession stand charges you pretty much end up paying for the stupid bucket.

If you haven't done so already head on out to your local theater and check out TRON LEGACY in glorious REAL-D 3D or